26-28 November 2024, Areal Böhler, Düsseldorf, Germany
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Luisa Sofie Faßbender


Luisa has been working with TYPO3 as a consultant and editor at Marketing Factory Consulting GmbH since 2015 before making the switch to TYPO3 GmbH in July 2023 to build up the new partner program as a Senior Success Manager. Luisa finished her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Marketing & Communications besides her full time job and has been leading TYPO3's Marketing Team since 2019. 



Current State of TYPO3
28.11.2024 15:45 - 16:30 Main Stage
TYPO3 für den öffentlichen Sektor und Bildung – ein Status Quo | TYPO3 for the Public Sector and Education – a Status Quo
26.11.2024 10:00 - 11:00 Main Stage

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change

Stay tuned for all our updates

More speakers for T3CON24 will be announced soon!