26-28 November 2024, Areal Böhler, Düsseldorf, Germany
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Daniel Fau


Daniel Fau


Daniel Fau has been involved with TYPO3 since 2006 as the CEO of his own agency. Since the end of 2022, he has served as the CEO of TYPO3 GmbH, bringing his extensive knowledge and experience of the TYPO3 Project, the CMS itself, and the community. Daniel is well-known for his exceptional coffee-making skills and his active engagement with the community in shaping the future of the TYPO3 Project, all while enjoying a cup together.



Current State of TYPO3
28.11.2024 15:45 - 16:30 Main Stage
TYPO3 für den öffentlichen Sektor und Bildung – ein Status Quo | TYPO3 for the Public Sector and Education – a Status Quo
26.11.2024 10:00 - 11:00 Main Stage

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change

Stay tuned for all our updates

More speakers for T3CON24 will be announced soon!