26-28 November 2024, Areal Böhler, Düsseldorf, Germany
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Expect the unexpected: How to serve (almost) every lead with TYPO3

We all enjoy creating TYPO3 websites, but sometimes clients present challenges that seem impossible to overcome.

For instance, we've seen TYPO3 projects abandoned because the client's limited budget didn't align with the project's scope and requirements. We've also encountered situations where a website couldn't be upgraded to a supported TYPO3 version due to the client's lack of approval. Additionally, we've tackled the implementation of technical standardization for a large multinational conglomerate, all while ensuring each brand's website maintained its individuality.

With toujou, we've been addressing these issues since 2018. Our SaaS combines the strengths of a CMS with the convenience of a website builder, offering numerous features, automatic TYPO3 upgrades and updates and seamless integration with third-party services.

As a result, TYPO3 can be used to build corporate websites as well as for projects with small (start-up) budgets. Additionally, with toujou you get more time for personalized client service, e.g. more resources for genuine development, design adjustments or content creation.

We will share our practical solutions to these challenges, from crafting proposals to delivering customized services.

28.11.2024 11:30 - 12:15 Lightning Talk Stage
Advanced / Basic knowledge Business Standardization

* without prejudice, speakers and sessions are subject to change